On behalf of the Seville Road State School community, we extend a special welcome to your family and look forward to your involvement in our school.
Seville Road State School opened in 1956. We are a small school providing a safe, supportive community – pursuing equity and excellence to realise the potential of all students. We are very proud of diverse community and the harmonious way in which we learn, work and play is embraced as a model for future successful interaction for the whole community, beyond our fence line.
Our staff and community work hard as a team to ensure that all students are given every opportunity to achieve academically, culturally and socially to their full potential. We are proud of our academic standards, high standard of behaviour and the pride that all have for our school.
Our school has expansive grounds with plenty of room for students to run and play. Our classrooms are large, equipped with computers and interactive televisions and have modern and attractive furniture. Our students are friendly, our staff dedicated and our parent community very supportive of our school. We believe that our school functions more dynamically with the full cooperation and assistance of parents/carers and that a positive parent/carer-school partnership has a major role in the successful education of your child.
Corinne Bushell