Our school Chaplain is Joshua Mills (Chappy Josh).
We are very pleased to have a Chaplaincy program running at our school. Josh offers an optional service to all our students and offers an additional dimension to our school’s care, guidance and support. The Chaplain supports and assists in the development and implementation of a caring, supportive learning environment.
Our school Chaplain is available to provide pastoral care to students, to provide support to parents and staff at times agreed to by the Principal.
The Chaplaincy program compliments and integrates with other services and school support staff. The program is inclusive of and shows respect for all religious and non-religious beliefs. All Chaplaincy activities and events are non-discriminatory and equitably available to all students.
Our Chaplain contributes towards addressing religious, spiritual and/or ethical needs of students. Whilst personally modelling and owning their own faith position, the Chaplain avoids any implications that any one religion, denomination or other set of beliefs is advantageous or superior to any other denomination, religion or belief.
Funding for Chaplaincy services comes from a variety of sources including Scripture Union Queensland. Seville Road State School recently received a Federal Government Grant of $20 000 each year for 3 years to employ the Chaplain 2 days per week. The school subsides the service through its International study tour program.
As a school we are constantly striving to provide a strong pastoral care program which supports, staff, students and families. Chaplaincy is an integral part of the support options.